
Top 5 Books to Read to Enhance Your Web Development (Coding) Skills

Xccelerate HK

In recent years, web development has become one of the most in-demand careers. Companies are looking for developers who can help create beautiful and functional websites that attract consumers, investors, and other target audiences. People who understand the ins and outs of HTML, CSS, PHP, and other programming languages can be worth their weight in gold. However, many people are intimidated by the thought of learning web development. They think it's too difficult or that they need to have a coding background in order to get started. But this isn't true! In fact, anyone can learn about web development without prior experience or knowledge.


If you're interested in starting a career as a web developer, then you've come to the right place! In this article, we have put together the best books in the market you can read to excel in web development regardless of your experience.

Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke

Eloquent JavaScript is a book that will have you hit the ground running with JavaScript as quickly as possible. This book isn't a reference book or a book of best practices—it's not even a "How do I build an app?" book. It's a fast-paced, in-the-trenches guide to getting started with web development using JavaScript. Authored by Marijn Haverbeke, Eloquent JavaScript is all about learning JavaScript from the ground up. It doesn’t just cover the parts of JavaScript that are immediately useful for making websites, but it also imparts the knowledge you’ll need if you want to become a JavaScript programmer.

Programming languages

JavaScript and JQuery by Jon Duckett

JavaScript and JQuery is another cutting-edge book by Jon Duckett that provides an in-depth look at the newest versions of the two programming languages. Duckett guides readers using practical examples of how to apply dynamic effects using JavaScript and JQuery while covering everything there is to know to create JavaScript-driven websites, from making calculations and animations on websites to deploying codes in various frameworks and everything in between.

How To Gain Practical Knowledge in Web Development (Coding)?

After reading one or more of the aforementioned books to learn the basics of web development and coding, you would definitely want to gain some practical knowledge so you can show off your skills to recruiters in your CV.

A great starting point is Xccelerate’s bootcamps—Full-time Web Development Bootcamp and Part-time Web Development for Beginners Course. Both programs offer in-depth, hands-on training that can teach you everything you need to know about coding fundamentals and web development. They also provide access to a community of developers who can help you continue learning even after the program is over and launch your web development career. If you're interested in knowing more about our bootcamps, you can read about our students’ experiences before signing up for a course that piques your interest.

When your new skills in web development and coding get you an interview in your dream company in Hong Kong’s web development industry, make sure to familiarize yourself with the frequently asked questions so you are well prepared to ace it.

Career Paths

Career pathways include; Front-end Developer, Back-end Developer, Full-stack Developer and more! Explore our job ticker to learn about Hong Kong's Web Development industry and make career decisions based on actual data! To learn more about relevant job openings in Hong Kong, check out the first-ever tech job search portal - Xccelerate Jobs.

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